A mechanics class in the amusement park: proposal for teaching physics in a non-formal space





Non-formal teaching space, Mechanics, Amusement Park, Ausubel


In this work, we present a proposal for teaching Physics in a non-formal teaching environment. Specifically, a didactic material was built, based on Ausubelian assumptions, to be applied in a Physics class held in an amusement park. The content addressed includes topics of mechanics related to the first year of high school. The research was carried out within the scope of the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching at the University of Brasília. The product was applied in a private school in Brasília-DF, and the class took place in the Amusement Park, located at the Sarah Kubitschek city park. The post-application interviews showed that the didactic material used, and the teaching methodology adopted were well evaluated by the students.


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How to Cite

Sousa Chagas, F. H. de, & Gomes de Amorim , R. G. (2023). A mechanics class in the amusement park: proposal for teaching physics in a non-formal space. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 211–222. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v35.n2.43731



Teaching Narratives