Electromagnetic radiation applied to food preservation





Teaching Physics, Meaningful learning, Experimentation, Electromagnetic waves, Active methodologies


This article was produced based on the results of the application of a didactic proposal with the objective of providing educators with a teaching tool that contributes to the acquisition of contextualized scientific knowledge, based on innovative techniques and connected with the student's reality. The subject of study was restricted to electromagnetic waves, a subject sometimes approached superficially and decontextualized in high school. To contribute to learning, we developed a didactic sequence based on the theory of meaningful learning by David Paul Ausubel to be applied in five classes in a third-grade high school class. The activities were organized to contemplate different teaching strategies, valuing the diversity in each one's learning. Thus, we developed expository activities, lectures, directed study and even the construction of an experimental prototype, valuing cooperative work and student protagonism. The experiment aimed to work, in particular, the ultraviolet radiation applied to food conservation, seeking to signify the physical concepts addressed. The work made it possible to verify in locu that the possibility of handling, cooperating and building knowledge through methodologies that allow a greater involvement of students on the subject under study can result in learning with greater meaning.


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How to Cite

Gomes Vaz, A., Samudio Pérez, C. A., Werner da Rosa, C. T., & Prado, R. (2023). Electromagnetic radiation applied to food preservation. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 165–178. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v35.n2.43726



Teaching Narratives