Analysis of the semantic dimension in forced digitalization contexts: the case of introductory thermodynamics teaching




Semantic dimension, Legitimation codes, Thermodynamics teaching, Context of a pandemic, Problem solving


This paper illustrates some partial results of the research on the study of the programmatic principles of cumulative knowledge-building that emerge in discursive practices in a remote education scenario. The analysis has concentrated on a high school fifth-grade classroom, especially in physics, addressing the topic of introductory thermodynamics. The semantic dimension of the theoretical construct, legitimation codes theory, and through its methodological tool semantic profile, proved to be an effective analytical approach. Because it allows the visual representation of the multiple gradations of meaning condensation derived from the discursive interactions promoted by the observed teacher. The treatment of boundary conditions with emphasis on variational ideas, the integration of macro and microscopic approaches, the mathematical language as structuring of physical knowledge, and the use of different resolution strategies, and with the help of didactic intentionality, have facilitated the possibility of establishing structuring connections between the explanations provided and enriched with a high level of significance allowing a deep understanding of scientific concepts.


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How to Cite

Zuluaga Duque, D., & Escudero, C. (2023). Analysis of the semantic dimension in forced digitalization contexts: the case of introductory thermodynamics teaching. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 103–116.