The potentiality of concept maps in the planning, application and evaluation of an educational product focused on the experimental study of the speed of sound in air




Conceptual maps, Meaningful learning, Three pedagogical moments, Tailor-made teaching


Concept maps are powerful tools that can be used to assist the teaching and learning process, providing a clear overview of the main concepts and their relationships. When used in conjunction with the theory of meaningful learning, they allow connecting new information to the student's prior knowledge, constituting an important assessment tool. The educational product developed within the scope of master's research at the 58-UFRPE hub of the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching, presented in this article, aimed to develop prior organizers that facilitate the teaching and learning process. on the speed of sound and its characteristics, relating Ausubel's theory with Delizoicov's three pedagogical moments and Gregory M. Novak's tailored teaching. To identify students' understanding and provide targeted feedback to improve their learning, concept maps play an important role in the formative and evaluation process, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of concepts and the relationships between them, enabling them to create your own concept maps as a way of organizing and representing your knowledge.


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How to Cite

Pessoa de Oliveira Filho, J., & Nairon Monteiro Júnior , F. (2023). The potentiality of concept maps in the planning, application and evaluation of an educational product focused on the experimental study of the speed of sound in air. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 63–74.