The teaching of physics in secondary education: tensions between prescriptions and classrooms




Curricular design, High school, Scientific alphabetization, Education for citizenship


This article analyzes the tensions between the curricular prescriptions and the teaching of physics, specifically in Introduction to Physics for the 4th year of Buenos Aires Province. The study uses a qualitative methodology and is based on interviews with teachers and documentary analysis of the Curricular Design. The results reveal a gap between what is prescribed in the curriculum and its implementation in the classroom, and highlight the importance of promoting critical thinking in science and technology education. The interviewed teachers point out that the approach is mainly theoretical and that they adapt the contents according to the group, which faces difficulties such as the lack of time to cover all the contents, the lack of previous training of the students, the lack of resources to carry out practical experimental, and who find it difficult to relate the contents to everyday life. We close the article describing a series of proposals that attempt to transcend these tensions.


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How to Cite

Ruiz , P. E., Nardelli, M., & Mengascini, A. (2023). The teaching of physics in secondary education: tensions between prescriptions and classrooms . Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 33–43.