Mistakes and inconsistencies in the treatment of magnetic force in university texts


  • Cintia N. Sposetti
  • Gloria P. Colombo
  • Patricia E. Fernandez
  • Ignacio Tabares


Work of magnetic force, Energy conservation in electromagnetism, Teaching of electromagnetism, Motional emf, Current magnetic force


This work is a call for attention regarding the role attributed to the magnetic force in energy conservation processes in electromagnetism, since it fails to be clearly incorporated neither in textbooks nor in basic university level teaching despite the warnings of researchers in didactics dating back several decades. We present: (a) the calls for attention made by science education researchers, (b) a review of the contradictions that remain in some textbooks and multimedia sources and (c) a final discussion



How to Cite

Sposetti, C. N. ., Colombo, G. P. ., Fernandez, P. E., & Tabares, I. . (2022). Mistakes and inconsistencies in the treatment of magnetic force in university texts. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 345–351. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/39827



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