Teaching the matter structure at high school research


  • Nair María Sarquis
  • María Milagros Gonzalez


Structure of matter, Misconceptions, Two-level survey, Design-based research


This paper presents the results of a research on the implementation of innovative didactic alternatives to work with first-year high
school students with the intention of developing an integrated vision of the structure of matter from the atomic-molecular point of
view, with semi-classical models that account for the relationships between the structure of matter and its macroscopic behaviour. To
carry it out, the design-based research methodology was used and one of the instruments to evaluate the quality of said material was
a two-level survey whose results guided us to identify the aspects of the design that led to misconceptions.



How to Cite

Sarquis, N. M., & Gonzalez, M. M. . (2022). Teaching the matter structure at high school research. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 305–311. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/39791



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