Inclined plane forces decomposition: interpreting difficulties as obstacles


  • Fábio Ramos da Silva
  • Silvio José de Freitas Santos
  • Roberto Gonçalves Barbosa


Inclined plane, Forces, Epistemological obstacles, Physics Teaching


The study presents an analysis of learning difficulties related to the decomposition of forces on the inclined plane, based on research that investigated student learning on this subject. The goal is to highlight these difficulties and seek to understand them through Bachelard's idea of obstacles. The research methodology is qualitative, with bibliographic research procedures. The results show that the main difficulties are related to the understanding of the representation of forces on horizontal and inclined surfaces and the exaggerated attachment to equations commonly used in problem solving, difficulties that can be interpreted as generalization obstacles and substantialist obstacles. It is highlighted that the results contribute to reveal dimensions that hinder the learning of physics during its teaching, being necessary a careful look of the teachers in the discussion of the forces in the inclined plane so as not to reinforce these possible obstacles, seeking the overcoming them



How to Cite

Ramos da Silva, F. ., de Freitas Santos, S. J. ., & Gonçalves Barbosa, R. (2022). Inclined plane forces decomposition: interpreting difficulties as obstacles. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 275–282. Retrieved from



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