Digital educational resources for science teaching


  • Paola Otero
  • María Paz Gazzola
  • María Rita Otero
  • Viviana Carolina Llanos


Science teaching with technologies, Didactic transposition, Digital educational resources, Physical-chemistry, Chemistry


In this work, three Digital Educational Resources (RED) for the teaching of natural sciences, more specifically physical chemistry and
organic chemistry, are analyzed. The resources were developed with funding from the Ministry of Education of Brazil, to be used
on mobile devices with or without internet and have a student interface and a teacher interface, in the latter case, a didacticpedagogical guide was designed that leads to a variety from another RED. The notion of Adler's resource and Chevallard’s Didactic transposition is adopted to analyze transpositive aspects, that is, the modifications to knowledge, its use, operation and design, also some advantages and disadvantages of each of these three RED.



How to Cite

Otero, P., Gazzola, M. P., Otero, M. R., & Llanos, V. C. (2022). Digital educational resources for science teaching. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 257–266. Retrieved from



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