Application of an investigative teaching sequence for the study of circuits of alternating current


  • Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino. Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brasil, CEP 59900-000
  • Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido (UFERSA). Curso de Engenharia Elétrica. Mossoró-RN, Brasil, CEP 59.625-900
  • UFERSA. Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Naturais. Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brasil, CEP 59900-000



Experimental activities; Computational activities; Basic electricity


This research aims to elaborate and measure the effectiveness of a pedagogical proposal for the teaching of electrical circuits with alternating current and that contemplate the use of experimental and computational activities. It was decided to use the Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI) as a teaching methodology, because it allows greater flexibility in the application of activi-ties. The locus of the research consists of a group of volunteers, consisting of nine students of the Bachelor of Science and Tech-nology course of a federal university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research is versed in three basic pillars for the elaboration of SEI activities, they are: capture and use of the previous knowledge of the investigated; contextualized problemati-zation of new knowledge; and union of this new and previous knowledge to translate a situation or problem of the students' daily lives into a technical and scientific knowledge. In this case, this desired point is driven by the construction of a final project and preparation of technical reports. The results of the actions were positive, both from the perspective of content application and with regard to the quality of the tasks performed by the students. The productions of the reports, which enabled the collec-tive systematization among students in an integral way. Stand out here the translation of the previous knowledge and the theory studied for the construction of a technical and scientific knowledge at the time of the elaboration of textual productions and the final project, are the main contributions of this research to the teaching area.


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How to Cite

Adelmo, Murilo, & Otávio Paulino. (2020). Application of an investigative teaching sequence for the study of circuits of alternating current. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32(2), 79–90.