Cultivating physics and mathematics: exact and natural sciences applied to the development of an agroecological and community vegetable garden


  • Virginia Lamarre Profesora en Física, ex Docente de Bachillerato para Adultos, Docente de Escuelas Medias, Distrito de San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Gabinete de Didáctica de la Química, Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Avenida Alem 1253, CP B8000CPB, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
  • Sandra Analía Hernández Gabinete de Didáctica de la Química, Departamento de Química, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Avenida Alem 1253, CP B8000CPB, Bahía Blanca, Argentina - Instituto de Química del Sur (INQUISUR), Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)-CONICET, Avenida Alem 1253, CP B8000CPB, Bahía Blanca, Argentina



Educational physics; Natural and Exact Sciences in interdiscipline; CTSA approach; Creative production project; vegetable garden


This paper proposes to rediscover the teaching of the subjects Physics and Mathematics from the initial approach of problem situations identified in the development of a sustainable productive project, in a Baccalaureate for Adults with humanistic orientation from the Buenos Aires conurbation. Starting from the initial estrangement from the exact sciences and prioritizing doubt and curiosity as inherent aspects of the human being, the points of anchor are established between observed and perceived real life, daily needs, individual and neighborhood, and the curricular content of both disciplines. The choice of the agro-ecological garden, whose development involves interdisciplinary work between the exact and natural sciences, social and humanistic, was made in a collective manner, responding to the neighborhood’s socio-economic needs. Through observation, the formulation of questions, the choice of variables and their algebraic relations and the practice in constant relation to the construction of new semantic categories, we promote the resignation of knowledge, research learning, solidarity and critical interaction and the creation of productive alternatives and territorial and human development, addressing, from concrete concerns, levels of abstract conceptualization.


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How to Cite

Lamarre, V., & Hernández, S. A. (2020). Cultivating physics and mathematics: exact and natural sciences applied to the development of an agroecological and community vegetable garden. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32(2), 69–77.