Laboratory practices: towards a study of teaching profiles


  • Miriam Scancich
  • Leandro Pala
  • Marta Yanitelli


Laboratory practices; Teaching profiles; University basic physics; Epistemological, Psychopedagogical and didactic aspects


In this work, a questionnaire oriented to conform teaching profiles and to characterize their practices in different Physics labora-tory situations is presented. The questionnaire, aimed at teachers of the Introduction to Physics, Physics I, II and III curricular activities corresponding to the Basic Sciences Block of Engineering careers at the FCEIA UNR, was structured taking into account epistemological, psycho-pedagogical and didactic aspects. The answers to the questionnaire will become the starting point for subsequent discussions, in the context of a Workshop Seminar, aimed at identifying possible transformations in the manage-ment of the laboratories that attend to the articulation of didactic strategies between the different Physics courses.



How to Cite

Scancich, M., Pala, L., & Yanitelli, M. (2020). Laboratory practices: towards a study of teaching profiles. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32, 329–334. Retrieved from



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