The ontological characteristics of the electromagnetic induction


  • Elena Hoyos
  • Ma. Cecilia Pocoví


Learning electromagnetic induction; Ontology; Teaching proposal; University level


A teaching proposal for the concept of electromagnetic induction, at college level, was implemented and its results were stud-ied. This proposal emphasizes the relativistic character and the ontology of this Process type concept. The subjects of this study solved a problem task that was designed to detect what ontological characteristics are identified by the students after learning from the designed teaching material. A case study methodology was used. The results show that most of the students are able to recognize the ontological components of the induction concept but they do not identify the interactions between them. More-over, all the students use the field concept and their transformations within their explanations but do not manage to analyze problems from different reference systems.



How to Cite

Hoyos, E., & Pocoví, M. C. (2020). The ontological characteristics of the electromagnetic induction. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32, 191–197. Retrieved from



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