Alternative method of evaluation of students by competences in Physics in Engineering careers


  • Fabián Gon
  • Rodrigo Agosta


Evaluation by competences; Application of competencies; Practical Physics; Thermodynamics


This paper presents the results of the degree of reception of the students, to the application of the methodology of evaluation based on competences. The study was carried out with engineering students of the Santa Fe Regional Faculty, of the National Technological University (FRSF-UTN) in the framework of a Physics laboratory practice course, where theoretical and practical concepts of thermodynamics are developed. The analysis was based on the model of competences supported by CONFEDI (2006). The methodology was applied in the evaluation of the reports presented by the students, by means of three different methodologies: percentage qualification, list of insufficiencies and evaluation of competences by means of rubrics. For the eval-uation by competence, this work employs a modification to the design process presented by Mertler (2000) with the aim of producing a viable method for application on numerous reports.



How to Cite

Gon, F., & Agosta, R. (2020). Alternative method of evaluation of students by competences in Physics in Engineering careers. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32, 163–170. Retrieved from



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