A proposal for the design and evaluation of teaching-learning sequences in Physics: the case of Newton's Laws


  • Jenaro Guisasola
  • Kristina Zuza
  • Mikel Sagastibeltza




Teaching-Learning Sequences, Sequence assessment and re-design, Teaching of work and energy, Introductory University Physics


We present a proposal for the design and evaluation of Teaching-Learning Sequences (TLS) at the highschool and university levels. Relevant contributions in the design of teaching sequences based on the DesignBased Research methodology are taken into account and the relation of these TLSs to students’ learning is discussed. We present the iterative Design-Based Research methodology that allows TLSs to be evaluated and redesigned. The context of our implementation and evaluation is an innovative Physics course for students in the first year after post-compulsory Secondary education in Spain. It presents the concretion of each phase of the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology, explaining how the sequence is designed and how it is evaluated. The results obtained in the first year of implementation are encouraging in terms of the learning achieved by the students. The strengths and weaknesses of the TLS are analyzed after this first implementation


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How to Cite

Guisasola, J. ., Zuza, K., & Sagastibeltza, M. . (2019). A proposal for the design and evaluation of teaching-learning sequences in Physics: the case of Newton’s Laws. Journal of Physics Teaching, 31(2), 57–69. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v31.n2.26948