Design, implementation and assessment of a proposal about electricity and magnetism by inquiry teaching for primary school


  • Jairo Ortiz-Revilla
  • Ileana M. Greca



Primary Education, Physics, Inquiry teaching


From the Spanish legislative framework and current European educational landscape, a need to consent a scientific character to science teaching is being claimed. To achieve this, the transformation of the traditional education to a constructivist approach is required. This article shows a teaching-learning experience of the subject of Natural Sciences based on inquiry teaching. Its design and evaluation method are also explained. Different degrees of students´ development are evaluated through a rubric. The teaching unit that took place on the sixth level of Primary Education was about electricity and magnetism. Besides children being highly motivated by the project, the assessment performed showed that students reached learning abilities, mental habits, and the scientific knowledge of the treated content.


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Revilla, J., & Greca, I. M. (2017). Design, implementation and assessment of a proposal about electricity and magnetism by inquiry teaching for primary school. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29(1), 25–39.



Teaching Proposals