Las prácticas de laboratorio de física en la formación del profesorado. Un análisis crítico.


  • Daniel Gil Perez
  • Eduardo Gonzalez


We have proposed and founded the hypothesis that practical works done by future physics teachers in their university physics courses and in the teachers training centers do not give a correct view of a scientific approach. Results of the analysis of 91 lab guides, 54 estudents repports and some professors  interviews are in accordance with this hypothesis, showing the need of a deep reestructure of the usual orientation of the practical works proposed to future physics teachers.




How to Cite

Gil Perez, D., & Gonzalez, E. (2016). Las prácticas de laboratorio de física en la formación del profesorado. Un análisis crítico. Journal of Physics Teaching, 6(1), 47–61. Retrieved from



Investigación y desarrollos en la educación en la Física