Un modelo integrador para le Enseñanza de la Física en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica


  • Mónica Moya de Ovando Escuela de Agronomía, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Salta.
  • Leonor Colombo de Cudmani Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.


This work is immersed within a bigger proposal: The Research and Practice Integration within the Physics Teaching. Its aim is to integrate Physics teachers and Teaching Physics investigators into the drawing out of curricula aimed to overcome detected problems in the student's learning process. Here, the theoretical frame and sorne criteria coming out from it, are exposed. These will be useful as a basis for the drawing out and evaluation of curricula for the Physics within the context of Agriculturist Engineering.



How to Cite

Moya de Ovando, M., & Colombo de Cudmani, L. (2016). Un modelo integrador para le Enseñanza de la Física en la carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica. Journal of Physics Teaching, 16(1), 35–44. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/15865



Problemática de la Enseñanza