La resolución de problemas en física y su relación con el enunciado


  • Laura Buteler Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


The aim of the present work is to study the relation between Physics problem-statements and the solving process. Further knowledge on this relation will have implications on the instruction for the problem-solving task in Physics classrooms. A central aspect of research on problem solving is to model the knowledge solvers use to undertake the task. This means that representations must be proposed,which can account for basic characteristics of human behavior. Throughout the present work,the underlying principie is that the representation built by the solver when reading the statement guides his/her solving process.

As a conclusion, certain characteristics of problem statements are found to be related to different solution paths. These characteristics depend on the specific domain knowledge (Physics). Therefore, a model for the solution process is proposed to account for the representation involved in this task. Finally, transfer of these results to formal instruction in Physics is analyzed.



How to Cite

Buteler, L. (2016). La resolución de problemas en física y su relación con el enunciado. Journal of Physics Teaching, 16(1), 5–16. Retrieved from


