Learning wave optics in a physics laboratory for engineering


  • Silvia Bravo
  • Marta Pesa




Wave optics, Experimental activities, Vergnaud’s schemes, Skills development


This paper shows the results of a research referred to the conceptual learning of light interference and diffraction in the context of a physics laboratory for engineering careers. The design comprehends an experimental didactic proposal and the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained by the students in the engineering basic cycle. The theoretical framework used for this research is Vergnaud’s theory of conceptual fields. This study involves the students´ cognitive development during the implementation of the didactic proposal and the evaluation results through their evolution schemes. The results obtained in the cognitive development study during all activities, centered on three students show that the initial schemes on the optical beams were focused and they gradually evolve towards schemes centered on the wave model as the experimental activities were developed. The individual evaluation results show that more than half of the students have achieved an evolution on their initial schemes. Consequently they have developed the necessary competencies to deal successfully with experimental situations competencies.


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How to Cite

Bravo, S., & Pesa, M. (2016). Learning wave optics in a physics laboratory for engineering. Journal of Physics Teaching, 28(2), 51–76. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v28.n2.15812



Teaching Proposals