Methodological approaches in a research about of physics learning with technology in people with ADHD


  • María Alejandra Domínguez



Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD-, Educational Technology, Teaching and Learning, Physics


Physics learning by students with Attention- Deficit with or without Hyperactivity Disorder – is something to investigate. Based on this premise, we proposed two objectives whose results will be communicated in this presentation. The first objective is to collect and analyze research in Science Education Technologies for students with ADHD. As a direct result of this analysis we formulate the main research question. The second objective is to report the first methodological explorations that were made to answer the question. Examining educational bibliography about this deficit, it is possible to use educational Technology to favour their learning. If technology was chosen taking into account some criteria, it could allow these students to pay more attention, continue and concentrate on their tasks. These discussions and negotiations are informed and they guide you to take methodological decisions to favour their physics learning on these ADHD students.


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How to Cite

Domínguez, M. A. (2016). Methodological approaches in a research about of physics learning with technology in people with ADHD. Journal of Physics Teaching, 28(2), 39–49.