Bakhtin’s speech genders as theoretical framework to analyse written communication skills in physics laboratory: the case of two reports


  • Abraham Vilchis Uribe
  • Isaías Miranda Viramontes



Bakhtin, Written communication, Physics, Speech genres, Laboratory


In educational context, physics laboratory plays an important role in learning science skills. Drawing on Bakhtin’s speech genres, in this study we analyze the way a group of three engineering students write two la-boratory reports. The two corresponding laboratory practices to these reports were designed according to the Investigative Science Learning Environment. The analysis shows students’ improvement in regard with the second laboratory report. Instructional implications are shown


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How to Cite

Vilchis Uribe, A., & Viramontes, I. M. (2016). Bakhtin’s speech genders as theoretical framework to analyse written communication skills in physics laboratory: the case of two reports. Journal of Physics Teaching, 28(2), 7–25.