Talking can: didactic prototype of an electromagnetic transmitter with a piezoelectric microphone




Physics teaching, Simple circuits, FM transmitter, Experimentation


This article describes the construction and classroom application of a low-cost experimental prototype that converts mechanical waves into electromagnetic waves and transmits them in a way that can be received by a radio device. The prototype was developed using some recycled materials and employs a piezoelectric transducer as the main actuator in the speaker. Among other experiments, the prototype was used in an intervention with a group of sixth and seventh-grade students from a state public school during elective robotics classes. The intervention was based on the perspective of investigative experimentation and the negotiation of meanings, wherein concepts and their meanings are shared throughout the intervention. The results highlighted the practicality and functionality of the prototype, and regarding learning outcomes, clear evidence of significant learning was observed, along with reports indicating a substantial increase in student motivation following the intervention.


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Teaching Narratives

How to Cite

Talking can: didactic prototype of an electromagnetic transmitter with a piezoelectric microphone. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(2), 113-122.