Translational analysis of self-efficacy beliefs in physics learning - Part 2




Self-efficacy, Physics education, Emergency remote teaching, Digital technologies, Social cognitive theory


This paper reports, in two parts, translational research on teaching-learning processes of Physics in High School mediated by digital technologies and based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Self-efficacy beliefs were addressed, a central psychological construct in the understanding of human agency and an important predictor of motivation and academic performance. In the first part, as an essay, the concept of self-efficacy and SCT were discussed. In the second part, a didactic sequence dedicated to overcoming problems of the conventional format was developed, applied and evaluated, measuring and modulating self-efficacy beliefs. Additionally, possible intervening factors in the formation and modification of these beliefs in motivation and learning were analyzed. An experiment was used to examine levels of self-efficacy beliefs in Physics and understanding of classical mechanics among 288 students. No statistically significant differences were observed between the control and experimental groups, although significant distinction correlations were obtained with socioeconomic variables. Disproportionalities raise multiple questions regarding teaching and learning in Physics.


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How to Cite

Translational analysis of self-efficacy beliefs in physics learning - Part 2. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(2), 73-91.