Moment of inertia at basic university level: its presentation in traditional and electronic texts


  • Elena Hoyos Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
  • Cecilia Pocoví Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ingeniería



Moment of inertia, Advanced learning, Oversimplifications, University level


This paper presents an analysis of the presentation of the concept of moment of inertia in books (printed and electronic) at the basic university level. A case study is developed, focusing the analysis on the detection of simplifications or limitations in the approaches, which could install oversimplified ideas of the concept among students. These oversimplifications often affect the understanding of more advanced texts. It is concluded that there are four simplifications of this type: 1) in most of the analyzed basic texts; the transition from a system of discrete particles to a continuous rigid body is not explicitly made; 2) the moment of inertia is presented as a scalar without explaining when this situation is valid; 3) the axes of reference are not given sufficient relevance and; 4) the axes of inertia are not strictly defined. 


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How to Cite

Moment of inertia at basic university level: its presentation in traditional and electronic texts. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36, 197-206.