Customized assessments and assignments in phys-ics: An R and LaTeX-based workflow for learning electric fields




Electromagnetism, Electric Field, Physics Assessment, Problem Generation, LaTeX


This article introduces an educational resource designed to enhance the teaching and assessment of electromagnetism, focusing specifically on the concept of electric fields. Through a workflow that integrates R Markdown and LaTeX, it facilitates the creation of varied problems with random values. This tool is particularly useful for generating practice materials and exams, allowing for effective assessment of students' understanding in various physical situations. The automatic generation of PDF documents ready for use in educational settings demonstrates the resource's versatility and efficiency. Capable of covering topics from the electric field generated by point charges to the motion of an electron in a uniform field, this resource is suitable for intermediate-level university electromagnetism courses. Its implementation not only saves teachers time in material preparation but also enriches the learning process for students, providing them with resources for a solid preparation.


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Essays and Special Topics

How to Cite

Customized assessments and assignments in phys-ics: An R and LaTeX-based workflow for learning electric fields. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(1), 127-138.