Competency-based education to teach electromagnetism


  • Cecilia Culzoni Facultad Regional Rafaela. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Acuña 49, CP 2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Adriana Lescano Facultad Regional Rafaela. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Acuña 49, CP 2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Norma Demichelis Facultad Regional Rafaela. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Acuña 49, CP 2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • Gabriel Bircher Facultad Regional Rafaela. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Acuña 49, CP 2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina



Competency-based education; Electromagnetism; Proposal; Engineering undergraduate courses


Competency-based education in undergraduate engineering courses entails designing, implementing, and assessing specific teaching methods. Although electromagnetism is a particularly abstract topic to study, there are a few cases related to its teach-ing within the proposed methodology in the literature. The present paper addresses Ampère’s Law through collaborative project learning within the subject Physics II in undergraduate engineering courses at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina). It details the necessary skills required for the proposal, as well as the assessment criteria. Students were asked to work on a pro-ject consists of the building of a mechanism that shows the working of an industrial machine, based on Ampère`s Law. They were evaluated using rubrics and, in turn, teachers’ and students’ opinion was requested through a questionnaire and a survey respectively. The findings were encouraging and showed teachers’ and students’ interest in this practice; all groups of learners managed to pass the work and achieved the proposed competencies. Some improvements will be made next year by teachers themselves applying this method. This study expresses new voices and presents an alternative perspective on educational de-signs. However, it is necessary to go deeper into this educational approach with the aim of improving the science educational method.


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How to Cite

Competency-based education to teach electromagnetism. (2020). Journal of Physics Teaching, 32(2), 7-18.