Playful teaching: approaches, challenges and possibilities for the integration of serious video games at the university


  • Carina Lion Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina
  • Verónica Perosi Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina



Serious games, Collective intelligence, Emerging learning, Playful teaching, Relevant experimentation


One of the most enlighted objects in the analysis of technology in relation to the youth, lately, are videogames. In a large part of the cases, we could recognize the importance of strengthening strategies for problem solving, designed planning, implementation and evaluation. The challenge from the perspective of edutainment is to generate proposals that are attractive from the playful point of view and that generate collective constructions that are pertinent from the educational point of view. When we think about the cognitive force to be deployed, we ask ourselves about the frames and frameworks of teaching and educational technology that contribute to generate and empower it. This article presents theoretical and strategic frameworks to analyze the value of these proposals in higher education while recognizing that the new possibilities that shape trends allow us to revisit and think pedagogically their appropriations in educational contexts and create proposals for deep education.


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How to Cite

Playful teaching: approaches, challenges and possibilities for the integration of serious video games at the university. (2019). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 31(2), 47-55.