Physics on the Beach with Google EarthTM


  • Enith Vanessa Yanez
  • Moisés Gualapuro
  • Alexander Tirira
  • Fabrizio Logiurato



Physics Education, Physics of Waves, Google Earth


In this paper, we present a proposal for teaching wave physics based on free software Google Earth. Taking advantage of its wide source of interesting satellite images, we use Google Earth photos to illustrate the physics of water waves and the Huygens principle in natural phenomena that occurs on sea and rivers. With basic physics, we explain the main characteristics of some beach structures and waves properties near the shore. The aim of this suggestion is to make wave physics a subject more attractive to high school and university students and the process of its learning more participative.


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Essays and Special Topics

How to Cite

Physics on the Beach with Google EarthTM. (2018). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 30(2), 109-118.