Flipped Classroom: innovating physics classes


  • Tobias Espinosa
  • Ives Solano Araujo
  • Eliane Angela Veit




Flipped classroom, Didactic innovation, Physics education


Lectures, with passive students, usually inhibited to any interactive action. This picture of traditional teaching methods diverges from the current students’ profile, who are mostly connected to the internet, with easy access to information and accustomed to interactive environments, whether virtual or face-to-face. A possible correction to this dissonance lies in the inversion of the classroom, which means that the students make the first contact with the content at home and the time available in class, that is traditionally used for long expositions of the instructor, is occupied by students interacting actively with their peers and the instructor to solve problems. This paper presents the flipped classroom methodology and different methods that allow this inversion in physics education. We also discuss the reasons that may encourage the physics instructor to modify his/her practice, as well as the main barriers he/she may face-off in this process.


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How to Cite

Flipped Classroom: innovating physics classes. (2018). Journal of Physics Teaching, 30(2), 59-73. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v30.n2.22736