Física real y Física enseñada


  • A. Maiztegui


Starting from a description of what the author means by Real Physics and Taught Physics, he intends to show some caracteristics of the topics "apt for the sake of Education". Then he presents useful criteria to choose that reduced number of Physics topics wich is possible to include in any school program. He analyses the inconvenience of splitting up Classical Physics from Modem Physics, advising instead, to show Physics as the unity it constitutes today. He points out that it is necessary to include topics which have appealed the public interest, in school programs. This fact shows that it is also necessary that researchers do popularize their work. Finally, the author endeavours lo show the relevance of the Methodology applied at Physics courses, in order offer a faithful (even if sketchy) image of what Real Physics is. In order to prove this proposition, he describes what he intends to be didactically necessary activities to carry on a reasonably efficient course.







How to Cite

Física real y Física enseñada. (2016). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 8(1), 51-56. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/16264