Development and Validation of the Perception of Infidelity in Social Networks Scale


  • Gladiminet López-Figueroa Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • Juan Aníbal González-Rivera Ponce Health Sciences University, San Juan University Center.



infidelity, romantic relationships, social networks, psychometric properties, validation


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Perception of Infidelity in Social Networks Scale. A total of 300 Puerto Rican adults participated in this psychometric study. The sample was selected by availability. The results confirmed that the scale has a one-dimensional structure. A total of 12 items complied with the criteria of discrimination and presented appropriate factor loadings. The reliability index for the final version was .98 (Cronbach’s alpha). These results suggest that the Perception of Infidelity in Social Networks Scale has the potential to measure this construct among Puerto Rican adults. Likewise, the scale will advance further research of cyber-infidelity in Puerto Rican and Latin American couples.


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Author Biographies

Gladiminet López-Figueroa, Universidad Carlos Albizu

Doctorado en Psicología Clínica. Facultad Adjunta del Programa de Bachillerato Interdisciplinario en Psicología de la Universidad Carlos Albizu. Psicóloga clínica en escenario hospitalario.

Juan Aníbal González-Rivera, Ponce Health Sciences University, San Juan University Center.

Doctorado en Psicología Clínica. Assistant Professor de la Escuela de Ciencias Conductuales y Neurales de la Ponce Health Science University (PHSU), donde ofrece cursos doctorales en la facultad de psicología clínica. Posee numerosas publicaciones como artículos y capítulos y libros, ha recibido varios premios nacionales y es miembro del consejo editorial de varias revistas.


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How to Cite

López-Figueroa, G., & González-Rivera, J. A. (2019). Development and Validation of the Perception of Infidelity in Social Networks Scale. Revista Evaluar, 19(3), 54–67.



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