The cultural export of Galician identity and nationalism in exile


  • Inmaculada Real López



Galeguista Party, Castelao, Exile, Galeuzc, Council of Galicia


We intend to study how the events of the Spanish Civil War and the Republican defeat led to the disintegration of the Galician Party, whose members went into exile with many intellectuals. Argentina was the country in which the largest number of refugees from northwestern Spain was concentrated, such as Alfonso Rodríaguez Castelao and Luis Seoane, among others. It was there where, in turn, the Galician identity was developed trying to re-establish the fracture that it had suffered with Franco's Spain. Through cultural, business, anthropological and political initiatives there was an interest in achieving the resurgence of ideals that had been censored, as well as a fragmented memory. Finally, the objective is to demonstrate how that nationalist identity that continued to be cultivated in exile was able to establish itself in the last stage of Franco's Spain and early years of democracy.


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How to Cite

The cultural export of Galician identity and nationalism in exile. (2017). Estudios Digital, 38, 31-45.