Simultaneidad lingüística: la ficción de Junot Díaz y su traducción


  • Karen Lorraine Cresci CONICET



code-switching, translation strategies, linguistic simultaneity, linguistic tension, translation


Translators face a difficult challenge when translating a text written in several languages, since they must use several strategies in order to maintain a similar linguistic tension in the target text. The linguistic tension which characterizes these texts is artistically and politically significant. The translation of code-switching challenges the traditional conception of translation: the transposition from one closed linguistic system to another. This article does not focus on criticizing the difficult task of translators who undertake the complex mission of recreating these texts for another audience, nor on laments about what is lost in translation. The objective of this article is to analyze the ways translators transpose the linguistic simultaneity of the source text to their versions and the effects of these strategies on readers. The methodology is the comparison of two translations into Spanish of Diaz’s short story “Wildwood” (2007) in order to discover the strategies used by translators to recreate the linguistic tension between English and Spanish in their versions.


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Author Biography

Karen Lorraine Cresci, CONICET

Profesora de Inglés (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata), Master of Arts in Comparative Literature (New York University) y Magíster en Culturas y Literaturas Comparadas (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Becaria doctoral (CONICET).


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How to Cite

Lorraine Cresci, K. (2014). Simultaneidad lingüística: la ficción de Junot Díaz y su traducción. Recial, 5(5-6).