Written language and reading in the transmission of school processes: analysis of the practices proposed


  • Graciela Herrera de Bett Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




writing, reading, language, knowledge, practices, texts


The role of the written language as a practice and object of teaching has constituted an articulating axle for research projects performed by our team for the past years; in which, we continually studied the writing activities proposed by secondary school handouts of language as well as the role of the written language in programs and teaching curricula of Professors of Language and Literature. The advances and re of this research have raised more questions that motivated the need to go further and broaden our field of study. In the present project, we have focused on the reading and writing practices proposed and developed in secondary school and college classrooms within the school ladder system. The aim of this analysis is to particularly comprehend the relationships between knowledge and/or theory and methodology perspectives about writing, that are present in teaching training as well as in the teaching of specific subjects. Advances and results will be herein posted, including the emerging empiric categories analyzed: activities, bibliography, programming, students’ written resources and productions, thus narrowing the gap between evidence about supposed obstacles, tensions, and appropriations related to the conditions of the learning and the teaching of the written language in the classroom within not only different but also complex contexts


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Author Biography

Graciela Herrera de Bett, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Lic. en Letras Modernas. Directora de la Carrera de Esp. en la Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura (Sec. De Posgrado), Docente e investigadora (Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme de Burnichón”), Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Herrera de Bett, G. (2011). Written language and reading in the transmission of school processes: analysis of the practices proposed. Recial, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v2.n2.7921