Opciones enunciativas y configuración del policial en <i>Crímenes imperceptibles</i>, de Guillermo Martínez


  • Elena Viviana Quiroga Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




author’s position, discursive options, efficient use, crime fiction genre, conjectures


The present work tries to relate the novel “Crímenes Imperceptibles”, by Guillermo Martínez, with the position of the autor as a social subject within the system of relations from which he writes, especially within the litherary field, with the intention of making his discursive options comprehensible and understandable. Starting with the fact that there is a conditioning relationship between the social place from which the discursive practice is done and the options the autor analyses in his discourse, we believe the writer has accomplished and efficient use of the resources he has picked up throughout his trajectory as a social subject, taking into account the limitations and possibilities he had at the moment he wrote it. From this perspective, we pretend to identify in the novel, the discourse operations the autor has chosen as the most plausible for the construction of the statement, within the crime fiction genre, supporting its use in reasons inferred from objective conditions, taking into consideration the skills gathered by the autor during his profesional career and the possibilities of acceptance.


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Author Biography

Elena Viviana Quiroga, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Elena Viviana Quiroga es Licenciada en Letras. Actualmente se desempeña como investigadora del CIFFyH de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Quiroga, E. V. (2011). Opciones enunciativas y configuración del policial en <i>Crímenes imperceptibles</i>, de Guillermo Martínez. Recial, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v2.n2.7920