Discourses on Hysteria: Construction of Female Subjectivities. On Repetitions and Empowerment





hysteria, feminist criticism, psychoanalysis, feminist movement


The term hysteria is often used pejoratively in reference to female subjectivities. In this study, we explore this aspect within the context of psychoanalytic practice. Additionally, we critically examine the concept of hysteria in collaboration with three feminist activists. Our goal is to deepen our understanding of the contested meanings surrounding discourses on hysteria and to uncover how certain psychoanalytic discourses contribute to the construction of female subjectivity. We propose to deconstruct specific discursive constructs related to hysteria as part of a critical analysis. Throughout the article, we embark on a genealogical journey, tracing the origins of hysteria within the first Freudian theoretical framework, where it was initially studied and linked to femininity in a derogatory manner. We challenge these two postulates by analyzing data from interviews with feminist activists. The term hysteria holds a significant place in the context of feminist and anti-patriarchal movements, as evidenced in our dialogues with the interviewees. Here, we discover a powerful form of hysteria: the constant denunciation as a catalyst for transformation possibilities. Viewing hysteria as a movement and discourse that can be embraced allows us to navigate a complex but potent path marked by diversity, openness to the unknown, and, most importantly, doubt as a reflexive critical mechanism.


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How to Cite

Gatica Caverzacio, E. (2023). Discourses on Hysteria: Construction of Female Subjectivities. On Repetitions and Empowerment. Recial, 14(24), 334–346. https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v15.n24.43450