Eschatology as revolt and counter-conduct in Michel Foucault




Foucault, eschatology, counter-conduct, revolt, interruption


This paper explores Foucault's reflections on eschatology in courses, articles and interviews produced in 1978 and 1979. The starting point is the course Security, territory, population, in particular the 1978 classes, which is put in dialogue with Foucault's articles and interviews on the Iranian revolution. The hypothesis proposed is that these texts are crossed by common interests and that, around their key concepts of counter-conduct, revolt and spirituality, there is a strong connection through the religious figure of eschatology. Despite the scarce precision of the concept of eschatology in Foucault, it is possible to delimit the main characteristics and the particular use that the French philosopher makes of this term, which he strips of specific religious determinations and gives it an ethical-political sense as an interruption of a historical continuity in relation to revolt and resistance.


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How to Cite

Baudagna, R. (2023). Eschatology as revolt and counter-conduct in Michel Foucault. Recial, 14(24), 176–188.