From revolutionary Havana to dystopian Havana. Representations of the city in Cuban cinema




city, space, Cuban cinema, Havana, Cuban Revolution


This essay analyzes the representation of Havana in Cuban cinema projects economic and social relations of its inhabitants through time. In doing so, I choose films made at three different moments in the post-1959 context. In this way, my analysis enters a direct dialogue with public policies and strategies for the conservation and development of urban space within the revolutionary period. First, I analyze the representation of Havana in Memorias del subdesarrollo (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1968), where the city functions as a proxy between the revolution and the leading intellectual during the first years of the regime. Then I go over Buscándote Habana (Alina Rodríguez, 2006), a short documentary that explores the marginalized spaces of the city through the testimony of illegal Cuban migrants. Finally, I analyze a dystopian Havana in the fiction short Tundra (José Luis Aparicio, 2021).


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How to Cite

Lastre, R. (2023). From revolutionary Havana to dystopian Havana. Representations of the city in Cuban cinema. Recial, 14(23), 131–146.