Medieval woman, miracle and magic in two stories of the h-I-13 manuscript




hagiographic-romance, miracle, magic, woman, pre-Christian


The manuscript h-I-13, of San Lorenzo de El Escorial Library, has drawn attention because of its nine stories which the critics had tended to relate between. The codex, whose stories could have been translated from French at the beginning of the 14th century, is considered an anthology because, in every story, a religious content is presented, making a unitary topic series of it. In the present work, two of those stories will be analyzed: “Aquí comiença el cuento muy fermoso del enperador Otas de Roma e de la infante Florencia su fija e del buen cavallero Esmero” and “Aquí comiença un muy fermoso cuento de una santa enperatrís que ovo en Roma e de su castidat”. The pressence of topics corresponding to hagiography and romace create a generic duplicity, and, therefore, they can be considered hagiographic romances. The work aims to analyze magic pre-Christian elements, belonging to romance and, on the other hand, the miracle, which corresponds to hagiography. Also, a comparison between the stories protagonists is established, as Florencia de Roma and the empress are struggling in this specific tension, between miracle and magic.


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How to Cite

Battilana , S. (2023). Medieval woman, miracle and magic in two stories of the h-I-13 manuscript. Recial, 14(23), 292–305.