Of grievances and redress. The case of Don Luis de Tejeda in Córdoba del Tucumán





criollo, rhetoric of atonement, Altuna, Tejeda, Barroco


The social place of the Creoles in the seventeenth century in the American colonies was a space of disputed legitimacy that imposed on the subjects a jealous care of honor in their social space. A set of Creole writings, in the most varied genres, are marked by the Hispanic grievances and underestimates to the man born in this land.
In a memoir by Buenaventura de Salinas y Córdoba, Elena Altuna recognizes what she calls the "rhetoric of redress" and studies the arguments in defense of the dignity of man and the land in America, the resources and strategies that tend to establish equity between Creoles and metropolitans. Guided by the theoretical postulates of the scholar from Salta, we analyze in this work the textual operations through which don Luis de Tejeda defends his offended honor in his work.


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Author Biography

Olga Santiago, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Centro de Investigaciones Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.


Altuna, Elena. (2009) Retórica del desagravio. Estudios de la cultura colonial peruana,

Salta, Argentina, CEPIHA, ILES, Universidad Nacional de Salta, 191 p.

Bustos Algañaraz, Prudencio (1994) Facciones y banderías en la Córdoba del S.XVII. Córdoba, Cuadernos de Historia n° 6, Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba, 68 págs.

Bustos Algañaraz, Prudencio (1996) El peregrino en Babilonia. Vida de don Luis de Tejeda. Córdoba, Cuadernos de Historia n° 57, Córdoba, Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba, 39 págs.

Rosenblat, Ángel (1954) La población indígena y el mestizaje en América. 1492-1950. Buenos Aires, Editorial Nova, 2 vol.

Santiago, Olga Beatriz. ((2011) Don Luis de Tejeda y Guzmán. Peregrino y ciudadano, Buenos Aires: Biblos, 369 p.



How to Cite

Santiago, O. . (2022). Of grievances and redress. The case of Don Luis de Tejeda in Córdoba del Tucumán. Recial, 13(22), 236–246. https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v13.n22.39620