Translating Ñi Pu Tremen, Mis Antepasados (2008), by the Documental Theater Company KIMVN: An investigation on the Mapuche History and Resistance




Cultural Translation, Dramatic Literature, Mapuche, KIMVN, Documental Theater


This article intends to present the results of the work plan for the scientific initiation that has the same name, as well as the translation of Ñi pu tremen, mis antepasados (2008), by the Documental Theater Company KIMVN, a dramatic text written in Chilean Spanish with excerpts in Mapudungun. The research, associated with the Center of Studies on Andean Performing Writing (NUEEPA), and with the Andean Studies Network, was funded by FAPESB. While it was being conducted, the purpose of the research was the progressive translation of Ñi pu tremens from Chilean Spanish into Brazilian Portuguese. At the same time, bibliographic studies concerning the cultural and intersemiotic translation theories were undertaken, considering the pair Spanish/Portuguese, the relations between literature and performing arts, as well as studies on native people from Chile and the concept of documental theater. The research/translation is justified by the possibility to foster the reflection on the translation as an aid to the comprehension and intercultural shelter between the Mapuche and Brazilian languages/culture. This article highlights how similar research projects on translation studies are potential ways to share knowledge about ethnic-racial plurality of Latin American countries, and provide more visibility to drama and the Chilean Mapuche theater. 


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Author Biographies

Carla Dameane, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil.

Bruno Machado, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Dameane, C. ., & Machado, B. . (2022). Translating Ñi Pu Tremen, Mis Antepasados (2008), by the Documental Theater Company KIMVN: An investigation on the Mapuche History and Resistance. Recial, 13(22), 148–160.