The attraction for the undesirable. The young H. G. Wells and the massification of disturbing futures


  • Francisco Caamaño Universidad Nacional de la Plata



H. G. Wells, disturbing futures, apocalyptic imaginary, contemporary history, literature


The aim of this article is to analyze why the British novelist H. G. Wells (1866-1946) can be considered as the first great contemporary massifier of disturbing futures. To do this, in this work a historical genealogy of this concept in the Anglo-Saxon and European tradition will be made, to finally examine how this idea was represented in Wells's early narratives. Based on the study of various cultural artifacts, the purpose of this writing is to revalue the use of aesthetic instruments as possible objects of analysis for the historical discipline. Trying to open a methodological dialogue among history, literature and cultural studies, the artistic and intellectual production of the English writer and the more general historical context of the Western world in the 20th century will be simultaneously investigated.


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Author Biography

Francisco Caamaño, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Profesor en Historia. Miembro del proyecto de investigación “Los sentidos del pasado: historiografías, prácticas  culturales, memorias” de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Ensenada, Argentina.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4113-0413


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How to Cite

Caamaño, F. . (2022). The attraction for the undesirable. The young H. G. Wells and the massification of disturbing futures. Recial, 13(21).