Modernism, neo-baroque and disease


  • Ignacio Iriarte Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET


disease, sexualities, modernism, neo-barroque



In this text, I analyze the relationships between literature, disease and sexualities, establishing a comparison between the end of the 19th century and the end of the 20th. In the first part I describe “Psicopatía”, a short story by Enrique Gómez Carrillo and I develope a grid that divides normality and disease through the firm / infirm pair. Then I describe the metaphorical transpositions of this idea of ​​ disease in the fields of morality, society and sexualities through the analysis of texts by Enrique José Varona, La prostitución en la ciudad de La Habana, by Benjamin de Céspedes and some reviews on the work of Julián del Casal. My first hypothesis is that the conjunction between forbidden sexualities, disease and the rupture of the representation produces the emergency conditions of the neo-baroque literature. Then I analyze the ways in which Nestor Perlongher takes up these themes in La prostitución masculina. My second hypothesis is that the neo-baroque literature is organized on the normal / abnormal, fime / unstable grid that modernism produces. At the end of the work, I analyze Perlongher's approach to the disappearance of homosexuality after the outbreak of AIDS and I explore its consequences in modern literature.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Iriarte, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - CONICET

Doctor en Letras, investigador adjunto del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Profesor adjunto de Literatura Hispanoamericana I, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4596-3164.


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How to Cite

Ignacio Iriarte. (2021). Modernism, neo-baroque and disease. Recial, 12(20), 149–167. Retrieved from

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