Along the way of words: time, memory and writings of the self in Marcel Proust and Natalia Ginzburg


  • Hebe Castaño Universidad Nacional del Comahue



memory, lexicon, family, spaces, autobiography


There is an undeniable relationship between Marcel Proust and Natalia Ginzburg. Their respective works, À la recherche du temps perdu and Lessico famigliare, engage in a deep and productive intertextual dialogue. This relationship has already been mentioned in numerous critical studies in Italian language, but in Spanish there are few that explore this dialogue between the two authors, their poetics and their texts. The purpose of this work is, then, to initiate a comparative study on certain aspects of both works, which allows to delimit and specify some of the characteristics that link them. Our work starts with a brief but necessary contextualization on the translation and reception of Proust in Italy and then focuses on the analysis of certain aspects which are present in both works, such as memory and lexicon, the words of the tribe and others, the places of memory and the autofigurations of the writers as children.

Considering that our subject of study involves memory and the writings of the self, the theoretical contributions of Paul Ricoeur in relation to memory, and those of Paul de Man and Mikhail Bakhtin regarding the status of autobiographical writing, have guided us in the analysis of both texts.


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Author Biography

Hebe Castaño, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Doctora en Letras, profesora a cargo de Literatura Europea II de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina. 


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How to Cite

Castaño, H. . (2021). Along the way of words: time, memory and writings of the self in Marcel Proust and Natalia Ginzburg. Recial, 12(19), 97–114.