Condemned to Paradise: Landscape and Time in the Articles of D.F. Sarmiento on the Delta of Paraná in El Nacional, El Tempe Argentino by Marcos Sastre and in Apuntes Sobre las Islas del Delta Argentino of Santiago Albarracín


  • Malena Velarde Universidad de Buenos Aires



Delta del Paraná, desert, paradise, landscape, time


In the articles published by D. F. Sarmiento in El Nacional since 1855 and El tempe argentino (1858) by Marcos Sastre, the lower Delta of the Paraná River is considered a ‘Desierto’, that is, a timeless tabula rasa place on which it is possible to imagine a territory and to project an harmonic landscape with a high productive potential. In Apuntes sobre las islas del Delta argentino by Santiago Albarracín, the use of the charts of accounts disables the Delta representation as Paradise because it brings the successive order in which people try —unsuccessfully— to make this land productive. This text not only questions the way in which the Delta is represented but also undermines the landscape harmonic configuration based on a natural order in which productivity is seen as a land value rather than a result of human work.


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Author Biography

Malena Velarde, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Lic. en Letras (UBA). Actualmente, realiza su tesis de maestría en UNSAM sobre las producciones culturales sobre el Delta en el siglo XIX.


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How to Cite

Velarde, M. (2019). Condemned to Paradise: Landscape and Time in the Articles of D.F. Sarmiento on the Delta of Paraná in El Nacional, El Tempe Argentino by Marcos Sastre and in Apuntes Sobre las Islas del Delta Argentino of Santiago Albarracín. Recial, 10(15).