New Approaches to Latin American Neo-Baroque in Transvestite Poetics: A Spoilsport and Angry Writing




happiness, Claudia Rodríguez, transvestite writing, killjoy feminism, neobarroso


The transvestite, throughout Latin American literature, has been adopted as a relevant aesthetic-critical figure to reflect on human immanence and modes of inhabiting territories.                Claudia Rodriguez's fanzines will be analised in order to outline contemporary ways of thinking transvestites as a re-ontologising and re-affective figure on neoliberal discursive plots of early twenty-first century society. We will focus on articulating a critical apparatus that re-thinks Latin American writing as a critical act, where happiness -as an oppresive technology-, hygienist logics and ways of conforming bodies are questioned. Throughout this analysis we will focus on Sara Ahmed's theories on happiness and the affective turn, Audre Lorde's reflections on anger -as a defiant response to racism- and Severo Sarduy's and Nestor Perlongher's readings of the Baroque-Neobaroque-Neobarroso and its historical drifts. In synthesis, these theories will allow us a transdisciplinary reading of Claudia Rodriguez's transvestite writing as an example of the possibility of refounding discourses and bodies within the hygienist, happy and capitalist society of our present.


▪ Ahmed, S. (2019). La promesa de la felicidad. Una crítica cultural al imperativo de la alegría. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora.

▪ Dickinson, E. (1960). The complete poems of Emily Dickinson (T. H. Johnson Ed.). Nueva York: Back Bay Books/ Little, Brown and Company.

▪ Horne, L (2021). Futuros menores. Filosofías del tiempo y arquitecturas del mundo desde Brasil. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

▪ Kamenszain, T. (2016). Una intimidad inofensiva: los que escriben con lo que hay. Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia Editora.

▪ Lorde, A. (2017). The Master´s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master´s House. Londres: Penguin Random House.

▪ Milone, G. (2015). Luz de labio. Ensayos de habla poética. Córdoba: Portaculturas.

▪ Perlongher, N. (2016). Prosa Plebeya: Ensayos 1980-1992. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Colihue.

▪ Rodriguez, C. (2021). Poesía travesti. Córdoba: Ediciones Té de boldo.

▪ Sarduy, S. (1987). Ensayos generales sobre el Barroco. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

▪ Wayar, M., Rodriguez, C. (2019). “El arte de re-sentir. Puentes transfronterizos entre lo oral y lo escrito. Entrevista a Claudia Rodriguez”. En Autor, Travesti: una teoría lo suficientemente buena (pp. 29-44). Buenos Aires: Muchas Nueces.



How to Cite

New Approaches to Latin American Neo-Baroque in Transvestite Poetics: A Spoilsport and Angry Writing. (2023). Recial, 14(24), 155-175.