Predictors in Self-Efficacy for Academic Writing in College Students: Reading Comprehension and Self-Efficacy
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Scientific research at the university level is capital for the development of new knowledge and technological production. In this context, science cannot be produced in the absence of understanding academic texts and, subsequently, production of texts that reflect the ideas discovered. Thus, it has been postulated that the development of self-efficacy in academic writing could be related to reading comprehension and self-efficacy. Therefore, we tried to determine the relationship between reading comprehension and self-efficacy with self-efficacy for academic writing. To this end, a predictive, cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted among 357 university students in the Puno region of Peru. Thus, students were evaluated by three SEWS scales, Reading Self-Efficacy Scale, and Reading Comprehension Test. Finally, it was observed that self-efficacy and reading comprehension are good predictors of self-efficacy in writing.
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