About the Journal

Pescadora de Perlas is an annual publication of the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba whose main purpose is to publish essays, academic articles, translations and reviews inspired by the work of Hannah Arendt.

It seeks to be a forum for debate and exchange on the vast work of Arendt, her legacy and repercussions. It’s aim is to expand her thinking and contribute to the discussion that her ideas opens for the present, without reducing her philosophy to a single interpretative perspective being consistent with an outstanding note of her theoretical position: freedom to think without bannisters through an uninterrupted dialogue with the philosophical, political, literary, historical tradition.

It does not seem possible to recognize a definite and unique method of analysis in Arendt's thought, but we can point out her affinity with Benjamin's "brushing history against the grain" in the search of the new in the past, like the pearl fisher who descends to the bottom of the sea. The image of the pearl fisher serves Arendt to indicate that something precious might be found in that which is hidden and forgotten, something that needs to be betrayed to the surface, not in order to resurrect old times but to recover the treasures that the tradition overshadowed. Arendt herself, we believe, was a pearl fisherwoman determined to save from oblivion the discontinuities in the tradition of political theory, moments of rupture valuable for the present. This was a rescue task always linked to the locus of the 'new', manifested from the first to the last of her works in the event of natality.

Pescadora de perlas. Revista de estudios arendtianos

ISSN 2953-4410