The Justs of Calais


  • Tassin Etienne
  • Camille Louis


Presentation by Camille Louis

Étienne Tassin (1955-2018) was a great French philosopher and thinker who was inspired by the works of Hannah Arendt, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jan Patočka, among others. He aimed to create a fine political phenomenology that could help him reflect on the most urgent questions of our time. We chose for this first issue of Pescadora a pearl that he left us in one of his last interventions. Written together with Camille Louis –filmmaker and activist for the rights of exiled people– this text represents a series of public speeches that the philosopher made in the context of the so-called “migratory crisis” denouncing the policy of exclusion and expulsion from Europe and in particular of the French Republic, which earned him great criticism from colleagues and politicians. We consider this type of intervention and involvement one of the author's most Arendtian gestures. We chose to commemorate him in this way.


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Diaz, C., Ouali, R., Paquette, O., Masurel, H., Jamel, M., Duclap, C. M. (23 de octubre de 2017) Evaluation de l’action des forces de l’ordre à Calais et dans le Dunkerquois. Ministre de l’Intérieur et des outre-mer. Disponible en: Accedido el 17/09/2022.

Répression – dépression (25 de octubre de 2017) Bulletin météo de la semaine du 18 au 24 à Calais. En Le Club de Mediapart. Participez au débat [Blog]. Disponible en: Accedido el 17/09/2022.



How to Cite

Etienne, T., & Louis, C. (2022). The Justs of Calais. Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 246–256. Retrieved from